News & Events

Where are they now? - Issue 48

A Look at our Past, Present and Future

Let's take a trip across the ditch and check in on another Kiwi GASSie, for the first time in quite a while. This time we are speaking with 2023 New Filmmaker of the Year award recipient Harry Wynn. Back in the 2000's Harry was a secondary student in Auckland, who applied for and received the opportunity to join a group of Australasian exchange students on an adventure in Germany over the Christmas of 2009 / 10. These days he is making amazing films and receiving the recognition his talents deserve. more
Where are they now? - Issue 48

Where are they now? - Issue 47

A look at our Past, Present and Future

We are staying in Europe from last month, but this time off to Helsinki, Finland, to catch up with 2013 NSW Stipi Kerri Ann Foweraker. She is a film director from Sydney who has lived in Melbourne, Wales, London and Denmark over recent years, but is now learning Finnish and making a film funded by the Finnish Film Foundation. She is in fact a master of many languages, not just the German she learnt at high school. Kerri Ann successfully applied for a SAGSE scholarship back then, and off she went to Engelschoff near Hamburg, for her exchange experience. Immediately after her exchange, Kerri Ann completed film school back in Australia, but then it was off to the UK and beyond. more
Where are they now? - Issue 47

Where are they now? - Issue 46

A Look into our Past, Present and Future

For the first time in our many looks back at our alumni, we head off to the Netherlands this month. Fiona Tan has been at home in Amsterdam for many years now, where she is a successful artist and filmmaker. But it all started back in the 80's at Melbourne’s MLC, where Fiona was a classmate of Nicola Roxon. Both girls successfully applied for a SAGSE scholarship back in 1983, and off Fiona went to beautiful Lübeck on the Baltic Sea for her exchange experience. Soon after her exchange, Fiona was back in Germany and then it was off to Amsterdam. more
Where are they now? - Issue 46

SAGSE VIC Annual General Meeting

Melbourne, 26 April 2024

Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Victorian Branch of Scholarships for Australian-German Student Exchange (SAGSE) to be held on

Wednesday, 29st May 2024, 7:00 - 7:30pm (online TEAMS)

For further details please visit the AGM announcement. more
SAGSE VIC Annual General Meeting

SAGSE Alumni Network at Work

Alec Usher and Ed Blamey 2023/24

We are now well into 2024, so it's time to look back at the Alumni Scholars from last year. And time for all us alumni out there to think about renewing our SAGSE membership and making a contribution towards this year's SAGSE Alumni Scholarship(s). Ed has written the comprehensive report you can read below, and both boys have contributed some photos. They are pictured catching up with the editor soon after returning from Germany in February. more
SAGSE Alumni Network at Work

Where are they now? - Issue 45

A look at our Past, Present and Future

Taurin Eimermacher learnt German at his secondary school in Burwood East. He successfully applied for a SAGSE scholarship in 2007, and off he went to the beautiful Black Forest for his exchange experience. After studying back in Australia, travelling the world and spending two years in Salzburg, Taurin is now back in Germany again, working as a Primary School teacher in Berlin. more
Where are they now? - Issue 45

SAGSE Scholarship Presentation Evening

SAGSE is pleased to announce that 11 Victorian scholarships have been offered and accepted for exchange to Germany this Christmas, courtesy of the generous sponsors shown below. We cordially invite you to congratulate this year's students and catch up with your friends from the SAGSE community.

Where: Leonda By The Yarra, 2 Wallen Rd, Hawthorn

When: 7 pm, Wednesday 11 October

What: Cocktail event, multiple courses of finger food

Ticket sales are now closed more
SAGSE Scholarship Presentation Evening

GASS Trivia Night 2023

The time has finally arrived! On Friday the 4th of August, GASS is hosting the ‘Eurovision’ themed GASS Trivia Night 2023.

Taking place at the German Club Tivoli in Prahan, the 2023 Trivia Night provides an amazing opportunity to reunite with SAGSE friends and enjoy a fun night of trivia together.  Each ticket includes a full meal and a free drink, while the funds raised for GASS go towards supporting the wonderful exchange for another year.

📆 Save the date: Friday, August 4th, 2023, at 7:00 PM.

📍 Location: German Club Tivoli, 291 Dandenong Rd, Prahran VIC 3181 more
GASS Trivia Night 2023

Where are they now? - Issue 44

A Look at our Past, Present and Future

Next year Andrew will celebrate the 50th anniversary of his SAGSE scholarship to Germany. The scholarship was only a few years into its existence, but was already on its way to inspiring the youth of Australia to develop and pursue their passions for learning about the German language and culture. After his exchange, Andrew studied German and for many years was a teacher of German and drama. In recent times he has been a consultant and has been very active in training the next generation of German teachers. He continues to pursue his love of drama, acting and directing plays in local community theatre groups. more
Where are they now? - Issue 44

Where are they now? - Issue 43

A Look at our Past, Present and Future

This month's edition of 'Where are they now?' comes to us from Singapore. James Watson has been living between there and neighbouring Malaysia raising his family for several years now. But, rewind 20 years and he was a student at Macleod College in Melbourne's north, learning German and plucking up the courage to apply for a SAGSE scholarship. He had so much fun and developed so much as a young, independent adult on his exchange in a small East German town, that it became inevitable that travel and life abroad were going to be important part of James' adult life. more
Where are they now? - Issue 43

Applications now open for SAGSE Exchange 2023/24

Scholarships for Australian-German Student Exchange (SAGSE) has opened applications for its student exchange from Victoria. Students interested in applying for scholarship to go to Germany at the end of 2023, can now submit their application via the online application portal.  Applications by interested students in Year 11 and 12 in Victoria will close on 23 June 2023. more
Applications now open for SAGSE Exchange 2023/24

Where are they now? - Issue 42

A Look at our Past, Present and Future

For the first time in our extended series catching up with former SAGSE scholarship recipients, we head off to the Middle East this month. Harley Mitchell attended school in the 1990's in Sydney, and went on his SAGSE exchange in a town near Heidelberg in 1998 / 99. He then went on to study both Arts and Electrical Engineering, with one of his first jobs in the energy sector being for the German company Siemens. Harley is now approaching 20 years in the energy and electricity distribution industry, working with solar PV and wind generation as well as fossil fuel generators. He is now leading a team in Saudi Arabia working on a very exciting project! more
Where are they now? - Issue 42

Where are they now? - Issue 41

A Look into our Past, Present and Future

This month's article comes from a GASSie in Manhattan. Eleanor Handley went to a town near Hamburg in the north of Germany on a SAGSE exchange in the 90's. She still recalls fondly the independence she gained through her exchange experience and the role this played in subsequent life decisions, most notably going off to the USA on an acting scholarship after finishing her VCE. Amongst her acting credits is this clip as Sheila Evans in Unforgettable Season 3.12, "Moving On", and she has also had an extensive career on Broadway and in other theatres all over the US, including performing in front of the Clintons during Bill's presidency. These days she also works as an Executive and Communications Coach. #sagsealumni. more
Where are they now? - Issue 41

Where are they now? - Issue 40

A Look at our Past, Presence and Future

This month we are looking at a GASSie celebrating his 10-year exchange anniversary this year. Daniel Wang, from Melbourne High School, had such a great time on exchange in Freiburg, Germany, that he is now living there. When an opportunity arose for Daniel to move to Berlin last year, working for Ebay Kleinanzeigen, he leapt at the opportunity. Now he is making the most of what life in this amazing city has to offer. more
Where are they now? - Issue 40

Where are they now? - Issue 39

A Look into our Past, Present and Future

Our current brand new stipis have just returned from their exchange over in a German winter. Isn't it great to have student exchange back again? We continue our series of articles looking back at SAGSE Scholarship recipients from over the years, hearing about their recollections and seeing where their lives' journeys have led them. Sofia writes to us this month from Belgrade, where she has been living for the past few months. more
Where are they now? - Issue 39

Where are they now? - Issue 38

A Look into our Past, present and Future

Our first issue of WATN for 2023 is someone who has been single-handedly reconnecting and celebrating SAGSE alumni for years. He is also contributing significantly towards the creation of a new generation of GASSies through his impassioned teaching of German to secondary school students which has produced 18 scholarship recipients so far. Of course, I am referring to the tireless and incomparable Warren Pratt! Read on to learn of his adventures, starting out in Mt Gambier, SA, before his SAGSE experience changed his life and compelled him to pursue a career teaching German. more
Where are they now? - Issue 38

Where are they now? - Issue 37

A look into our Past, Present and Future

As our current brand new stipis settle in to their exchange over in a German winter, it seems appropriate to look back at someone who went with the last group. Keeley from Perth was in Germany when the pandemic was just starting to make itself felt. Fortunately though, this group got their full exchange in, before all the restrictions started. Keeley writes to us from Japan, where she has been investigating the serious topic of dealing with the horrors of the past, a very real topic known in Germany as Vergangenheitsbewältigung. Interestingly, Keeley is following in the footsteps of another WA Stipi from 2015, Stephanie Winter, who has also done the same course in Japan. more
Where are they now? - Issue 37

Where are they now? - Issue 36

A look in our Past, Present and Future - SPECIAL EDITION Jahrgang 1981!

A very special edition this month comes to you from a very special group of Stipis - those we sent from Victoria way back in 1981. For their 40th anniversary they generously decided to share the cost of a whole additional scholarship. Due to the COVID cancellation of the program in 2021, that scholarship was presented in our recent 2022 Gala Dinner to Eva Sutton of Caulfield Grammar School.

Top 1981 (left to right): Wayne Glynne, Tim Morris, Cecily Ward, Alistair Craig, Janet Watson, Carolyn Ranford, Lisa Haintz
Below at 2022 Gala Dinner (left to right): Cecily, 'Jahrgang 81' scholarship recipient Eva Sutton, Carolyn, Tim and Alistair. more
Where are they now? - Issue 36

Where are they now? - Issue 35

A look into our Past, Present and Future

This month's candidate comes from Sydney via Halle an der Saale via Melbourne via Albania via Kilimanjaro. After his SAGSE Exchange in Halle, Michael landed his dream journalism job in Melbourne, where he attended Daniel Andrews' daily covid press conferences. He has now left that job and our shores, pursuing some time exploring some of the planet's more far-flung places. He wrote to us from Tanzania, just having scaled the heights of Mt Kilimanjaro with some old GASS friends.

If you want to catch up with GASSies and celebrate the 2022/23 scholarship recipients, don't forget to purchase tickets to the Victorian Gala and Presentation dinner on October 14 via the SAGSE website more
Where are they now? - Issue 35

SAGSE Gala Dinner on 14 October 2022

After announcing the resumption of its student exchange program and receiving an overwhelming response of applications, SAGSE will award the 2022/23 scholarships for the exchange between Australia and Germany on Friday the 14th of October at Malvern Town Hall. Further information and how to secure your tickets to celebrate the new scholarship recipients in presence of sponsors, corporate, family and school members, SAGSE will make additional announcements in the coming days. more
SAGSE Gala Dinner on 14 October 2022

Where are they now? - Issue 34

A look at our Past, Present and Future

This month's article comes to you from an alumna who usually strolls the halls of power in our nation's capital. But right now, 2009 stipi Janet Egan is completing some further studies at Harvard University. Following her SAGSE Exchange in a town near Schwäbisch Hall, Janet has gone on to a senior position in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. more
Where are they now? - Issue 34

Where are they now? - Issue 33

A Look at our Past Present and Future

This month's article comes to you from London. Andrea was one of the WA stipis of 1989, thus she was on exchange with Bike Man Dan. Andrea was in Berlin for David Hasselhoff in the crane singing 'I've been dreaming of freedom'... and still has pieces of the wall in her mum's house back in Australia. After her exchange in Wuppertal, Andrea returned to Perth to study Law, a journey which took her to London, India, Switzerland and Egypt. Since last November, Andrea has been the Chief Executive of the Howard League for Penal Reform, the world’s oldest prison charity. For the last few years, Andrea has also worked as a member of the House of Lords Conduct Committee, and in 2022 she was made Queen’s Counsel Honoris Causa for making a major contribution to and impact on the development of law in England and Wales. more
Where are they now? - Issue 33

Where are they now? - Issue 32

A look into our Past, Present and Future

This month's article comes to you from Sydney. Professor Jane McAdam AO was one of the NSW stipis of 1991, a couple of years after last month's Dan. After her exchange in Bavaria, Jane returned to Australia to pursue her passion and career in Law, returning to Germany as often as she could. She developed a particular interest in international refugee law, which led to her doctorate at Oxford University. more
Where are they now? - Issue 32

Applications now open as SAGSE plans for exchange to resume from Victoria

As SAGSE intends to restart its student exchange from Victoria at the end of 2022, applications can now be submitted via the online application portal.  Applications by interested students in Year 11 and 12 in Victoria will close on 22 July 2022. more
Applications now open as SAGSE plans for exchange to resume from Victoria

Where are they now? - Issue 31

A look into our past, present and future - Daniel Adler

This month's edition takes us back to a critical moment in German and world history. A couple of weeks after Daniel and his fellow stipis were awarded their scholarships, the Berlin Wall fell. So Dan and co were in the amazing position to experience the state of flux the two German states found themselves in over the following months. These days Dan lives in Washington DC with his wife and two children. He heads up the unit that handles complaints from communities impacted by World Bank projects around the world. more
Where are they now? - Issue 31

Where are they now? - Issue 30

Greetings from Ashwyn Perera in Heidelberg, Germany. Ash was one of the stipis of 2007, the same year as last month's Holly Woodrow and Bianca Delbao, who was featured one year ago. After his exchange in the northern German town of Cadenberge, proudly sponsored by Siemens, Ash did an amazing array of diverse things, both in Australia and Germany, where he has now been more or less permanently for the last five years. He has made great contributions to SAGSE and GASS here in Victoria, but also to our sister organisation GDANSA whilst over in Germany, in between doing research on children's cancer at the German Centre for Cancer Research. more
Where are they now? - Issue 30

Where are they now? - Issue 29

A look at our Past, Present and Future

Greetings from the USA again, this time from Holly Woodrow in Minneapolis. She was one of the stipis of 2007, the same year as Bianca Delbao. After her exchange in beautiful Lübeck, Holly did an amazing array of diverse things, such as Sales Ambassador, SAGSE Committee member, party bus host, some study in Berlin, and research. This is what ultimately took her to Minnesota, where she is now a Research Project Manager at a health research and investigation institute. Holly even managed to flee the tough Melbourne lockdown, via Germany, to travel to the US for this role. more
Where are they now? - Issue 29

Where are they now? - Issue 28

A look into our Past, Present and Future

Where are they now? # 28 Elizabeth Parsons 

For the first time our story looks at a Western Australian GASSie. Pamela Millar's amazing WA committee provides several scholarships every year, and this month we meet Liz Parsons, one of the stipis of 2009, the same year as Mark Rowe, Ishara Fernando and  Eddie Cliff. Similar to last month's Travers, Liz developed a passion for China. After a few years living and teaching in China, Liz is now back in Australia. She taught German in Horsham for three years, and is now teaching Chinese and working as a Head of Year at Preston High School in Melbourne. more
Where are they now? - Issue 28

Where are they now? - Issue 27

A look into our Past, Present and Future

Where are they now? # 27 Travers Linton 

‘Where are they now?’ Edition 27 goes back to 2002, when Travers Linton travelled from Melton to Meschede on his SAGSE exchange, sponsored by Siemens. On his return he pursued a study of Chinese, which led to long stays in Beijing and Taiwan, where he has lived for the last ten years and is raising a family. more
Where are they now? - Issue 27

Where are they now? - Issue 26

A look into our past present and future

Where are they now? Edition 26 - Simone Whetton

Ah, finally we go back to the 80's. Sydneysiders who listen to ABC Radio may recognise the name and voice of Simone Whetton, as she presents the What's On segments on the Weekend Show in Sydney. Back in the days of 'Rock me Amadeus' and mullets (the first time around), Simone went off to West Germany as of course it was then, on a SAGSE exchange. more
Where are they now? - Issue 26

Where are they now? - Issue 25

A look into our past, present and future

Back in 2009, Ed Cliff went to Wilhelmshaven in the far north of Germany on his SAGSE exchange, proudly sponsored by Siemens. Since his return he has studied Medicine at not only Monash University, but also Oxford and now Harvard. During his studies he also found time to travel back to Germany with SAGSE as Group Leader in 2013/14. These days Ed still speaks German, and he has been a SAGSE Victoria Committee member for many years. He sends his best wishes from Boston as he undertakes his Master of Public Health as a Fulbright Scholar. He recently co-authored an opinion piece which was published in the New York Times. more
Where are they now? - Issue 25

Where are they now? - Issue 24

A look into our past, present and future

This month's story goes back to 2008, when Mientje travelled to Lübeck on her SAGSE exchange, sponsored by Allianz. Since her return she has done lots of interesting things, and she is now an Assistant Director at the Department of Defence advising the government on defence cooperation with PNG. She is pictured at the iconic Neuschwanstein Castle during her free travel with fellow stipis Sarah McBride and Miriam Bradbury from Box Hill SC, Carine du Plessis from PLC and Laura Schembri from Billanook. more
Where are they now? - Issue 24

Where are they now? - Issue 23

A look into our past, present and future

For the first time in a while we go back to pre-millennium. Toby went to Kiel on exchange in 1997, proudly funded by BMW. On return to Australia he studied German alongside Commerce plus some further study in Berlin. He has lived in a variety of countries including Germany, worked for Siemens for many years, married a German and ended up settling in the USA. These days he is in Austin, but when he lived in New York he played Aussie Rules footy with the mighty New York Magpies! more
Where are they now? - Issue 23

Message from our Patron, Her Excelency the Governor of Victoria

Our Patron, Her Excellency the Governor of Victoria, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC sent a message to all Victorians and SAGSE members. more
Message from our Patron, Her Excelency the Governor of Victoria

Where are they now? - Issue 22

Where are they now? Issue 22 – Jasmine Nguyen

For the first time this edition looks at one of our Alumni-funded Stipis. Jasmine went to Boppard on exchange in 2014, proudly funded by SAGSE Alumni donations. Since her return she has leapt into public life, running for local elections in the western Melbourne LGA of Brimbank last year. Not only was she successful in these elections, she was appointed Deputy Mayor at the ripe old age of 23! And now she is applying the lessons learnt on exchange, on matters such as recycling, to her public life. Read on! more
Where are they now? - Issue 22

Where are they now? - Issue 21

A look into our past, present and future

After last month's piece from Kyrgyzstan, we turn our attention to a very different part of the world. Stawell boy Tristan Metcalfe went on exchange to Neuenrade in 2005, but these days you might find him on a lagoon in the Cook Islands. Or in the halls of the Parliament House in Rarotonga advising the Prime Minister. more
Where are they now? - Issue 21

Where are they now? - Issue 20

A look into our past, present and future

Katie writes to us from the Central Asian Republic of Kyrgyzstan. Since going on her exchange almost 18 years ago, her life has taken many interesting turns, with stints in Finland, Jordan, Turkey, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. more
Where are they now? - Issue 20

Where are they now? - Issue 19

A look into our past present and future

This month we look at a Canberran, Mark Rowe whose 2009 exchange to Germany set him on a globe-trotting path which has seen him spend time in some far-flung places, learning about issues as interesting as little-known German colonialism in the Pacific.

Marc is pictured on his exchange in 2009 and at Cambridge University in 2020. more
Where are they now? - Issue 19

Where are they now? - Issue 18

A look into our past, present and future

It is always great to hear back from our former Stipis, wherever they are in the world, doing amazing things. This month we go back to 2007, when Bianca Delbao was a student at Figtree High School in Wollongong, NSW, who successfully applied for a SAGSE scholarship. This took her off to Steinhagen and set her life on a path which would take her back to Germany many times and ultimately on to Ireland. She was part of the team which took Trivago from a small German start-up to what it is today, and she ended up being their Global Head of Communications and their spokesperson in Australia and New Zealand.

Bianca is pictured on her exchange in 2007 (left) and when visiting Germany in 2019 stocking up on essentials (right). more
Where are they now? - Issue 18

Where are they now? - Issue 17

A look into our past, present and future

This months our series of 'Where are they now?' continues with Perran Cook, who grew up in the beautiful Gippsland town of Metung and went to school in nearby Bairnsdale.  Nowadays he is a Professor in the school of Chemistry at Monash University.

Have a look at a little of Perran's work. more
Where are they now? - Issue 17

Where are they now? - Issue 16

A look into our past, present and future 

This month we look at someone who loved Germany so much he made it his home. Lee Traynor went on exchange to Wuppertal in 1977 and nowadays calls Hannover home. more
Where are they now? - Issue 16

Where are they now? - Issue 15

A look back as we look forward to a new year

Normally we would be sending you some updates at this time of year from our Alumni-funded Stipi/s over in Germany. Sadly that is not possible this year, but we take pride in continuing with our series of 'Where are they now?' Maria is known to all of us as Masha, and is very active in the SAGSE and broader German-speaking community. She was SAGSE Group Leader in 2015/16 (photo above), was instrumental in organising our Gala Dinners from 2014 - 17, and has retained both personal and professional connections with Germany. Interestingly, her German connections even took her to Sydney to meet the German President, to Barcelona and Boston for host sibling reunions, and to Buenos Aires for her host sister's wedding! more
Where are they now? - Issue 15

Where are they now? - Issue 14

A look into our past, present and future!

This month we look back to the turn of the millennium. Simon Moss was on his exchange in Germany when the year 2000 ticked over. Since his exchange he has stayed very busy and nowadays he is the Co-founder and Managing Director of 'Global Citizen' in New York, raising awareness and money for a range of social justice issues. 2020 has therefore been a busy year for him. more
Where are they now? - Issue 14

Where are they now? - Issue 13

A look into our recent past!


This month's publication looks at by far the youngest of our alumni to date. Jemima went on exchange a mere four years ago and only did her VCE in 2017. As you will read below, she has certainly made the most of the three years which have passed since then, setting up her own business and being nominated for some prestigious awards. more
Where are they now? - Issue 13

Where are they now? - Issue 12

A look into our past, present and future!

This month's publication offers a look across the ditch, in celebration of our long association with New Zealand. Paul went on exchange in 1986/87, and has maintained his connections with Germany and Australia in the interim years. He has also learnt some Māori and forged close connections with their communities, both in New Zealand and Australia, through his professional life. more
Where are they now? - Issue 12

30 Jahre Deutsche Einheit

Letter by Honorary Consul-General Michael Pearce SC on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of German Reunification. more
30 Jahre Deutsche Einheit

Where are they now? - Issue 11

A look into our past present and future

Ishara Fernando went on her exchange 11 years ago.  Looking back, what a big deal it was to live with strangers, in a whole other family dynamic and culture. "I was met with a single long-stemmed rose", Ishara recalls when she was greeted at Hamburg Airport (see photo on the left).  After finishing her studies in Melbourne and entering a graduate program at one of the big 4 banks, Ishara and her partner took a career break, traveled Europe and lived in Germany before returning to Melbourne (see photo on the right). more
Where are they now? - Issue 11

Where are they now? - Issue 10

A look into our past, present and future

This month's publication offers a look back to just before the turn of the millennium. Ben van Poppel grew up in the tiny town of Glengarry in Gippsland, where he completed his VCE over 3 years in nearby Traralgon. He hosted Christian Weber from Berlin through SAGSE. As Christian thus became accustomed to living with a blind person, he then offered to host Ben, when he was subsequently offered a scholarship.

Ben is pictured, on the left, with fellow stipi Louisa Willoughby, about to depart Germany to return to Australia, and, on the right, with son Max. more
Where are they now? - Issue 10

Joint GDANSA-SAGSE Statement

A joint statement by GDANSA and SAGSE

Today we write to you to announce the cancellation of our Australian student exchange scheduled to take place in Germany from November 2020 to February 2021 more
Joint GDANSA-SAGSE Statement

Where are they now? - Issue 9

A look into our recent and more distant past!

In this month's publication we turn our attention to Lesley Kehoe, who was awarded the Foreign Minister's Commendation Award for contribution to Australia-Japan cultural relations in 2019. Her professional life has focussed on Japanese art, please take a moment to view her website here.


On the left, Lesley is enjoying a Fasching celebration.  On the right, Lesley is pictured receiving her Commendation from the Japanese Consul General Mr Matsunaga Kazuyoshi. more
Where are they now? - Issue 9

Where are they now? - Issue 8

A look into our past, present and future

This month's publication offers a look back to our 50th anniversary Gala Dinner in 2017 at the MCG, where Andrew Holden was one of our MCs. At the time he was living in Melbourne, where he was Editor-in-Chief of The Age. Currently Andrew lives in New Zealand, and whilst in lockdown recently he dug up some old photos of GASS Australia camps in 1984 and answered our interview questions. Click below to see Andrew's interview on our website.

Photos: Andrew is pictured at a winter camp (left) and interviewing Christine Carolan of the 1968 'Jahrgang' at the SAGSE 50th anniversary gala dinner. more
Where are they now? - Issue 8

Where are they now? - Issue 7

A look into our past, present and future

Some of our Victorian scholarship recipients invariably study German at Melbourne University. Here they are bound to encounter a former Stipi and the subject of this month's edition, Dr Heather Benbow. Heather is also a member of our SAGSE Committee. She is pictured (centre) whilst on exchange in Germany nearly 30 years ago, with fellow Victorian Stipis Rob Phair and Susan Powell. more
Where are they now? - Issue 7

Where are they now? - Issue 6

A look into our past present and future

As the world enters a phase in which the SAGSE Exchange from Germany to Australia is suspended for the first time in 53 years, we continue to look at what has become of some of our many hundreds of Aussie GASSies from these years. Today we go almost right back to our origins and I have great pleasure in introducing you to Rennaissance man Ian Gibbins, who went on his exchange 50 years ago! more
Where are they now? - Issue 6

Message from our Patron, The Hon. Linda Dessau AC Governor of Victoria

Message from HE the Governor of Victoria, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC and Mr Anthony Howard AM, QC

It has certainly been a difficult start to the year, with parts of our State so heavily affected by bushfires and now the unprecedented challenge of COVID-19.

First and foremost, we care about the health and well-being of all Victorians and hope that those associated with our Patronages are safe and well cared for. We all need to stay across the advice of our health authorities, which are constantly updated and can be found at and more
Message from our Patron, The Hon. Linda Dessau AC Governor of Victoria

SBS German Radio - Interview SAGSE Austausch

GDANSA and SAGSE jointly decided to suspend the inbound international student exchange for German students scheduled to arrive in Australia in June 2020 (see joint statement by GDANSA and SAGSE: click here to read statement).

SBS German Radio interviewed SAGSE for further details.  Listen to the SBS Radio interview here. more
SBS German Radio - Interview SAGSE Austausch

Joint GDANSA and SAGSE Statement

A joint statement to the GDANSA and SAGSE Communities. more
Joint GDANSA and SAGSE Statement

Where are they now? - Issue 5

A look into our past, present and future

As the 12 Victorian recipients of 2019/20 settle back into school or university in Australia, we continue to take a look at what has become of some of our many hundreds of Aussie GASSies from the past 52 years. Today we look at Lisa Haintz, who has called Europe home for many years; Belgium, Germany and now Switzerland! more
Where are they now? - Issue 5

Where are they now? - Issue 4

A look into our past present and future

Our SAGSE scholarship recipients of 2019/20 are settled in over in Germany, and have by now attended winter camp and done their free travel. We continue to take a look at what has become of some of our many hundreds of Aussie GASSies from the past 52 years. Today we have a special treat for you, in former Federal Minister for Health and Attorney General, Ms Nicola Roxon. more
Where are they now? - Issue 4

Where are they now? - Issue 3

A look into our past present and future

As the 12 Victorian recipients of 2019 are settled in over in Germany, trying to keep warm as they visit Christmas markets, we continue to take a look at what has become of some of our many hundreds of Aussie GASSies from the past 52 years. Today we look at one of our own, SAGSE Committee member Mr Michael Pearce SC.

When Michael went on his exchange Willy Brandt was German Chancellor. It was a very different Germany and Europe to the one our current stipis are experiencing. more
Where are they now? - Issue 3

Where are they now? - Issue 2

A look into our past present and future

The 'Jahrgang' of 2019 has been presented with their scholarships, and as the 12 Victorian recipients prepare to embark on their experience, we continue to take a look at what has become of some of our many hundreds of Aussie GASSies from the past 52 years. Today we catch up with Professor Elizabeth Hartland. Liz is the Director and CEO of Hudson Institute of Medical Research, and the Head of the Department of Molecular and Translational Science at the Monash University Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences. more
Where are they now? - Issue 2

Where are they now? - Issue 1

As SAGSE prepares to present this year's cohort with their exchange scholarships at the SAGSE Award Dinner and Gala Night, we start to take a look at what has become of some of our many hundreds of Aussie GASSies from the past 52 years. We start with Colin Truslove, who went on the second year of exchange in 1969/70 (Photos: Colin in Wuerzburg in 1970 and today).  Read an interview with Colin here ... more
Where are they now? - Issue 1

2019 Gala Dinner and Award Night

Tickets for the 2018 Gala Dinner and Scholarship Award Night are available for sale now. Book now to secure your ticket via the SAGSE Gala Dinner ticket link. more
2019 Gala Dinner and Award Night

2019 Scholarship Applications in VICTORIA

Application for the 2019 SAGSE scholarship to travel and live in a host family from late November 2019 to about February 2020 are open now! more
2019 Scholarship Applications in VICTORIA

2018/19 Scholarship Recipients Present Exchange Reports

The 2018/19 SAGSE scholarship recipients presented details about their scholarship experiences at the SAGSE Debrief kindly hosted at the Fraser-Smith Theatre at the Scott College Hawthorn campus. more
2018/19 Scholarship Recipients Present Exchange Reports

Wintercamp and Free Travel 2019

Halfway into their three month exchange with SAGSE, our Australia and New Zealand scholarship winners (Stipis) have enjoyed a four-night camp in Dessau, organised by GASS Germany, as well as a week of independent travel around Germany. This period of the exchange is an experience unique to the SAGSE exchange, and the Stipis have enjoyed every moment of it! Click below for photos of the last few weeks. more
Wintercamp and Free Travel 2019

2018 SAGSE Gala Recap

Congratulations to this year's Victorian Scholarship Winners: On Friday 12th October, the 2018 winners were awarded their scholarships at the SAGSE Annual Gala Dinner hosted at Leonda By The Yarra in Hawthorn in the presence of teachers, sponsors, former scholarship recipients and other distinguished guests from Germany and Australia. more
2018 SAGSE Gala Recap

2018 Gala Dinner and Scholarship Award Night

Tickets for the 2018 Gala Dinner and Scholarship Award Night are available for sale now.  Book now to secure your ticket via the SAGSE Gala Dinner ticket link. more
2018 Gala Dinner and Scholarship Award Night

2018 Exchange Students

The 2018 exchange students have departed Frankfurt, Germany and safely arrived in Melbourne, Australia.  After a long flight the students were welcomed by their host families and host siblings and are now looking forward to an eventful exchange in Australia. more
2018 Exchange Students

50th Anniversary Gala Dinner

SAGSE celebrated 50 years of Australian-German student exchange in October at the MCG in Melbourne.  Alongside students from all years since the beginning, the 2017/18 recipients were awarded their scholarship. more
50th Anniversary Gala Dinner

German Embassy and GDANSA at Gala Dinner

Deputy Head of Mission, Ms Gerda Winkler of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Canberra and Dr Martin Liebermann, President of GDANSA, the partner organisation of SAGSE in Germany (photo top right) were guest of honour at the 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner in Melbourne. more
German Embassy and GDANSA at Gala Dinner

1st Year Student Report

Reflecting on events one year after going to Germany, on behalf of the 2016/17 Jahrgang, John Fitzgerald describes the impressions the exchange left on him and his fellow stipis in his speech at the 2017 Gala Dinner at the MCG. more
1st Year Student Report

The First Jahrgang Report - 50 Years Anniversary

Andrew Holden, co-MC of the 2017 Gala Dinner interviews two of the 1968 recipients, Christine Carolan and Michael Little on the evening at the MCG.  Michael provides an insightful account of his time in Germany and his memories of the SAGSE founder, Fritz von Einem Joosten. more
The First Jahrgang Report - 50 Years Anniversary

Welcome to the 2017 SAGSE Newsletter

Welcome to the SAGSE Newsletter.  2017 saw the 50-year anniversary events in Melbourne and Hamburg celebrating half a century of student exchange between Australia and Germany. more
Welcome to the 2017 SAGSE Newsletter

Stipis depart Australia and New Zealand ... arrive in Germany

The 2017/18 scholarship recipients departed from airports in New Zealand and Australia have landed in Germany and arrived in their host families. more
Stipis depart Australia and New Zealand ... arrive in Germany

2017 SAGSE Scholarship Recipients

The 2017 Victorian recipients were awarded their SAGSE scholarship on 13 October 2017 at the MCG in Melbourne.  Almost 400 guests of students, sponsors, parents, teachers, corporates, family and friends celebrated the 50th anniversary of Scholarships for Australian-German Student Exchange founded in 1967 in Melbourne. more
2017 SAGSE Scholarship Recipients

SAGSE Annual Gala Presentation Evening 2017

Tickets now on sale!

2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the organisation. The Annual Gala will this year be held at the MCG to celebrate 50 years achievement and congratulate the scholarship winners of 2018.

For further details please visit

or contact Holly at for corporate and group enquiries. more
SAGSE Annual Gala Presentation Evening 2017

2017 German Exchange Students On Their Way

Leaving Germany for Australia and New Zealand, the first group of German exchange students of 2017 met at Frankfurt Airport to take their flights bound for Melbourne and Sydney.  Those students with host families in New South Wales and Victoria were welcomed at the airport by their host families and host siblings.  Students traveling on to Queensland, Western Australia and New Zealand were welcomed by former exchange students of the German Australia Student Society  (GASS) before continuing their journey. more
2017 German Exchange Students On Their Way

2017 AGA-Goethe Fellowship

Applications for the AGA-Goethe Fellowship are now open until 4 June 2017.  The AGA-Goethe Fellowship is an annual award supporting young tertiary qualified Australians to undertake a research project in Germany and report on their work on returning to Australia. more
2017 AGA-Goethe Fellowship

1976 Exchange Students reunite

Scholarship winners who travelled to Germany in 1976 reunited for their 40th anniversary at this year's SAGSE Gala Dinner and Award Ceremony. more
1976 Exchange Students reunite

2016 Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to this year's Victorian Scholarship Recipients: On Friday 14th October, the 2016 winners were awarded their scholarships at the SAGSE Annual Gala Dinner hosted at the Park Hyatt Melbourne in the presence of the President of the Bundestag, Prof. Norbert Lammert, the German Ambassador to Australia, Dr. Anna Prinz and other distinguished guests from Germany and Australia. more
2016 Scholarship Recipients

2017 marks SAGSE 50th Anniversary

Do not forget to mark your calendar: In 2017, SAGSE will cellebrate its 50th Anniversary since in 1967 Fritz von Einem Joosten founded the organization in Melbourne. more
2017 marks SAGSE 50th Anniversary

First Year Student Report

Reflecting on events one year after going to Germany, on behalf of the 2015/16 Jahrgang, Chelsea Dutt describes the impressions the exchange left on her and her fellow stipis in her speech at the Gala Dinner. more
First Year Student Report

Newsletter Welcome Message

Looking back on 2016, SAGSE has seen a number of important developments through the year. more
Newsletter Welcome Message

President of German Bundestag at SAGSE Gala Dinner

SAGSE awarded the 2016 scholarships to the recipients from Victoria at a very enjoyable Gala Dinner and Award Ceremony held in the presence of the President of the German Bundestag, Dr. Norbert Lammert and the German Ambassador to Australia, Dr. Anna Prinz. more
President of German Bundestag at SAGSE Gala Dinner

SAGSE Students arrive in Germany

This year's SAGSE student group has arrived in Germany. After a long trip representatives of GDANSA Germany welcomed the group from Australia and New Zealand at Frankfurt Airport in Germany before students traveled to the destinations of their host families. more
SAGSE Students arrive in Germany

Host Families for 2017

Applications from interested families to host a Germany exchange student in 2017 are now open.  Families from all regions across NSW, ACT and VIC are welcome to apply.  The second round of applications are now open! more
Host Families for 2017

Host Families 2017

Applications Now Open!

In a change to the practice in previous years, we are now calling for applications from interested families to host a Germany exchange student in 2017. The students will arrive in mid-late June 2017 and depart at the end of August 2017. First round applications close on 29 November 2016. Interviews and selections will take place in December 2016. more
Host Families 2017

German Day Out

The German Day Out at Melbourne City Town Hall organised by the Goethe Institut and the Association of German Teachers of Victoria (AGTV) again was a great success.  Hundreds of school students who study German in school learned about the many opportunities that learning the language provides. more
German Day Out

Scholarship Applications closing soon!

Interested to apply for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Scholarships for Australian-German Student Exchange (SAGSE) are now open for application.  For further details click here. more
Scholarship Applications closing soon!

Passing of Detlef Kramer

SAGSE remembers Detlef Kramer, past Federal President of the Society passing away earlier this year after long illness.  In his role, Detlef established a close relationship between interstate committees and with the reciprocal society in Germany.  Our thoughts are with his wife Wendy and the entire family. more
Passing of Detlef Kramer

2015 Scholarship Recipients

Congratulate this years Victorian Scholarship recipients: Following the award dinner at the 2015 banquet hosted at the Park Hyatt in Melbourne, the winners left for Germany in November 2015 and returned to Australia in February 2016 more
2015 Scholarship Recipients

Das NETZwerk

Das NETZwerk connects members of SAGSE and the Australian-German Association (AGA) to build relationships and promote personal growth through shared experiences. more
Das NETZwerk

Egon Vetter

At the SAGSE AGM earlier this year, Egon Vetter retired from the SAGSE Committee after fifteen years of dedicated service as the President more
Egon Vetter

Stewart Morrison

As a 2002-2003 SAGSE Scholarship Winner (Allianz), my days as a “Gassie” are numbered, and I am now almost certainly an OLGAss (old GASSie) or more formally, a member of the SAGSE Alumni. more
Stewart Morrison

The Status of German Language Education in Victoria

SAGSE is unique in offering school students learning German a lengthy, funded stay in Germany. The scholarship offers benefits for students’ German language skills, social competency and more
The Status of German Language Education in Victoria

Welcome Message

Welcome to the first online SAGSE newsletter.

Following the retirement of Egon Vetter at the AGM, I was given the honor and responsibility to continue working with the scholarship exchange organization which started here in Melbourne in 1967. more
Welcome Message

Archived Newsletters

Archive of past Newsletters more
Archived Newsletters